Friday 11 March 2011

Adptus Custodes: First Envoy Finished!

Greetings. First, sorry for the gap in posts, I've been without the internet for a while but all is ok now and posts should be back on a fairly regular basis.

A while ago I started an Adeptus Custode project and now, the first envoy is done! I just thought I would spend some time to go through the colour scheme I have chosen for the project. But frist, here he is in all his imperial glory!

Custode Envoy

Being as most of this model is made up of gold armour it was soemthing that had to be just right. So, I looked to one of the basics posts on From The Warp.
1. Undercoat black
2.Paint all armour with Tin Bitz
3.Wash with Devlan Mud
4. Stipple Shining Gold (Heavy)
5. Stipple Shining Gold + Mithril Silver 75:25 (Medium)
6. Stipple Shining Gold + Mithril Silver 50:50 ( Medium - Light)
7. Stipple Shining Gold + Mithril Silver 25:75 (Light)
8. Stipple Mithril Silver (Extra Light)
This style requires reference material. You need to look at what gold really looks like under directional light.

Custode Envoy
Red is the secondary colour of this scheme. I really didn't want a bright red (blood red) as it wouldn't really fit with the idea of the custodes. I've always seen them as quite a subtle organisation, working in the shadows (they are invisible which makes that easy I guess). So i decided to go with quite a dark rich red instead.
1. Paint the robes in Dark Flesh
2. Wash the robes in Devlan Mud
3. Paint the robes in Dark Flesh + Red Gore 75:25
4. Paint the robes in Dark Flesh + Red Gore 50:50
5. Paint the robes in Dark Flesh + Red Gore 25:75
6. Paint the robes in Red Gore
7. Wash 3 times with Baal Red
This was also used on the weapon casing of the Gaurdian Spear.

Custode Envoy
While not as dominant as the other components of the model I didn't want ruin the whole model in such a simple thing as leather.
1. Paint all leather in Dark Flesh
2. Paint all leather in Tanned Flesh
3. Wash with Devlan Mud
4. Paint with Tanned Flesh
5. Paint with Dwarf Flesh
6. Wash 2 times with Devlan Mud
Simple but i think you will agree, very effective.

The bases that i bought from Fenris Games are really really awesome. The detail is great and with almost no air bubbles! While the DS style bases are frowned upon by some tounament organisers I can honestly say I don't care as they really make models like this shine.
1. Paint all raised areas with boltgun metal
2. Wash with Devlan Mud
3. Drybrush Chainmail
4. Wash with Badab Black
5. Paint the rim of the base with Chaos Black

So thats the model done and overall, I am pleased. Hopefully I will be getting some more of these guys done very soon.

All comments and suggestions are welcome.


  1. Looks good mate!

    If I had one criticism, it's that the red looks a little flat - I know you don't want to go too bright with the highlights, so maybe darken the shadows a little more?

  2. yeh I agree. The red is a bit less flat without the camera flash but even so its not perfect. I might try adding some depth when i get a chance, what would you suggest?

  3. I wouldn't go too dark, maybe applying some Devlan Mud (or Thraka Green) to the shadows - rather than an overall wash. The washes are awesome for being precise with.

  4. Just tried the Devlan Mud and it works great. I may try the thrakka out next time to see which I like more. Thanks Andy, big help as always.
